Being an international professional, the chances are you have worked in many countries, have relocated, or are relocating to a country other than your home country.

You might be working for the local branch of an international company. In that case your salary is usually taxed locally, and you should have no worries. But what happens if you are paid from your company’s home country?

We see this more and more as remote working becomes the new norm. If your company takes care of the tax regulations for you then great, but you might be a contractor, remote worker, freelancer or have your own international business.
Are you?

  • On a temporary assignment abroad
  • Working in one country for a company based in another country
  • Working as a contractor in a country where your company is not based
  • A cross border commuter
  • Receiving multiple incomes from different countries e.g. have several international companies or receive dividends from various international investments etc.

Each person’s tax situation is unique, but generally tax is deducted in the country you are resident in. (temporary assignments overseas are usually taxed from your home country)

Double taxation treaties also come into play. Check if there are double taxation treaties between your company’s country and the country you are resident in.

International taxation is a tricky and complex topic. As each person’s financial situation is unique, it is recommended that you discuss your global tax obligations and how to mitigate the cost of higher taxation with your deVere adviser. [email protected]

For complex tax advice, they will put you in touch with deVere Tax consultancy, a separate subsidiary of deVere. 

Please note, the above is for education purposes only and does not constitute advice. You should always contact your deVere adviser for a personal consultation.
* No liability can be accepted for any actions taken or refrained from being taken, as a result of reading the above.

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